A new year is again round the corner, and the reflections begin.
Most of my reflections do relate to my kids, and whether I've done enough/am doing enough etc etc... That mum guilt, you know the feeling... 🙈.
Commons things that float around my head, particularly relating to our situation, are these things:
Was I assertive enough during that appointment for Hermione, for the things she needs?
Did I do enough sensory play today?
Have I spent enough time on preparing her through play, for medical appointments, and if she struggles, is it my fault?
Have I invested enough time on speech and language activities? Do I need to do more?
Potty training? Have we come far enough? What do I need to do next to get her to the next stage?
Diet... Her diet. Am I giving her the nutrients she needs? Are chicken dippers and jaffa cakes a varied diet?!
Ultimately, have I split my time enough between my two daughters??
Gahh, the list goes on... 🤯
But, this year, I've decided to be more compassionate with myself.
It's taken me a long time to realise that it's okay to be 'good enough' and that if I'm not kind to myself, nothing will feel enough.
It's easy to feel all out of kindness for yourself.
When Hermione looks at me with such love and wonder in her eyes, I know that I need to stretch that compassion to me.
Self-care can be a bit of a cliché when it comes to being a parent-carer, but it's more than just taking a hot bath and putting on an eye mask occasionally.
It's about really standing back and valuing what you're doing, and realising your child/children are doing just fine.
And that you couldn't possibly do more than what you're doing.
So this year, I must make sure I'm compassionate to myself.
Happy New Year everyone and I wish you a peaceful and compassionate one 💕💖 xxx