Hermione was blessed with beautiful long, golden hair (definitely got her dad's quick-growing hair genes and not mine 😂) and it's so beautiful.
As she got older though, hair washing and drying became more and more of a challenge.
The feeling of the shampoo and the water, and then the added final flourish of the hairdryer made Hermione so upset.
We used to blast out In The Night Garden on the tablet to try to distract her from what was going on, but after a while she sussed us.
Much to my dismay, her beautiful lengths had to be cut into a bob just before she started school, to try to minimise the time it takes for hair wash night.
She still looks amazingly cute! 🥰
It's just one of the sensory issues Hermione struggles with, and so you find yourself adapting to her way of thinking.
Anything we can do to make it easier, we give it a try. Singing songs whilst we dry, explaining to her through sign that we'll be quick; asking her to sign the colours she knows.
Everyone is involved... Me, daddy, Rose: even Rose's friend who was at our house for a sleepover one hair wash night! 🤣
It may get easier, it may get harder... Who knows.
But what I do know is that you do get better at adapting. ❤️
#t21love #adapting #sensoryissues #downsyndromemum #wouldntchangeathing #extrachromosomeextralove #hair