Hermione wasn't really interested in pancakes last year. She could take them or leave them.
Hermione can be quite particular with her foods: she loves her food, but she likes to know what it is. She points at the little sections on her plate and she joins in with us, saying what each section holds and signing it too. She loves to sign 'peas' 🥰.
So it was quite a shock tonight when I put a pancake in front of her; said and signed 'pancake' and she repeated 'cake.'
Granted, 'cake' was one of her first words and signs (of course it was with her cake loving mum!), but I could see in her eyes a little more understanding about what this soft, round speckled thing was.
And she scoffed the lot 😂.
But the sausages I put next to her chicken nuggets... she removed them carefully from her plate, and politely plonked them in my palm, looking me dead in the eye as she did so.
That'll teach me.
But we'll take the pancakes today 😜🫣😂.